If you want some toast and don't want to wait, here's the knife you need -- because this invention can not only slice bread, it can toast it at the same time.

Colin Furze, the British plumber/inventor/mad genius of the Internet, has created the "FurzoToasto," which features a modified microwave transformer that delivers current through a cable and into a pipe that's attached to the blade of a breadknife.


Why? Well, someone wrote in and asked Furze if he could make a knife so hot that it could toast as it cut -- and Furze is just not the kind of guy who can back away from a challenge like that.

The knife, however, may not actually be the best thing since sliced bread. The toast it produces is more black than brown, and the knife itself looks like an implement from a "Saw" film.

If you slip with a normal breadknife you'll probably just need a Band-Aid, but make a mistake with Furze's invention, and you might need an ambulance.

Check it out in the clip above, and if you're feeling a little madcap yourself, you can make your own with Furze's video tutorial.


Furze's previous inventions include "Magneto Shoes" that gave him the power of the "X-Men" villain, a suit that let him stand inside the middle of a fireworks display and a five-gear vehicle with a motorbike engine that hit a top speed of 71.59 mph, earning him a Guinness World Record for "fastest mobility scooter.

Oh, and he also made a giant butt so he can fart at France.
