Jainism is one of the oldest and most widely practiced religions in the world, founded by Jina Vardhaman Mahavir in the 6th century BC. Along with this, the people of Jainism follow the five main principles of non-violence, truth, aparigraha, achaurya (Asteya) and celibacy. The two major sects in the Jain community are Shvetambar (white clad), Digambara (covered by the sky). The Jain calendar is associated with Jainism, which is considered a very popular religion in India and around the world. However, Hindu festivals are also followed in Jainism and this includes Hindu religions and cultures as well. The need for Jain Calendar 2023 arose because people belonging to this religion and culture can easily get information about Jain Festivals 2023 and other events. If we talk about Jainism, then it is related to public welfare. Those who follow this religion automatically follow the principle of non-violence, because this religion is given the highest priority. As we all know that Mahatma Gandhi was an eminent Hindu and it was he who adopted the principles of non-violence through Jainism to get freedom for India.

Various facts and figures should be kept in mind while making a Jain calendar. All rules and regulations apply for creating a calendar. Jain Calendar 2023 which also includes Jain festivals is a lunar solar calendar. Jain Calendar 2023 The movements and positions of both the Moon and the Sun are required to be known to form the components of theNot only this, a traditional lunar calendar is taken into account to prepare this calendar so that a list of Jain festivals and events can be prepared. Let us know about the upcoming Jain festivals and important events in the year 2023.

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January 2023 Jainism Festival

4 January 2023WednesdayRohini Vrat
20 January 2023FridayMeru Trayodashi
31 January 2023TuesdayRohini Vrat

February 2023 Jainism Festival

26 February 2023SundayFalgun Ashtahika Vidhan Begin
27 February 2023MondayRohini Vrat

March 2023 Jainism Festival

6 March 2023MondayPhalguni Chaumasi Chaudas
7 March 2023TuesdayFalgun Ashtanhika Vidhan Complete
15 March 2023WednesdayVarshi Tapas Begins
27 March 2023MondayRohini Vrat
28 March 2023TuesdayChaitra Navpad Oli Begins

April 2023 Jainism Festival

4 April 2023TuesdayMahavir Swami Jayanti
6 April 2023ThursdayChaitra Navpad Oli Purna
22 April 2023SaturdayVarshitap Parana
23 April 2023SundayRohini Vrat
30 April 2023SundayMahavir Swami Kaivalya Gyan

May 2023 Jainism Festival

21 May 2023SundayRohini Vrat

June 2023 Jainism Festival

17 June 2023SaturdayRohini Vrat
25 June 2023SundayAshadh Ashtanhika Vidhan Prabh

July 2023 Jainism Festival

2 July 2023SundayAshadh Chaumasi Chaudas
3 July 2023MondayAshadh Ashtanhika Vidhan Purna
14 July 2023FridayRohini Vrat

August 2023 Jainism Festival

10 August 2023ThursdayRohini Vrat

September 2023 Jainism Festival

7 September 2023ThursdayRohini Vrat
11 September 2023MondayParyushan Parvaramb
20 September 2023WednesdaySamvatsari festival

October 2023 Jainism Festival

4 October 2023WednesdayRohini Vrat
21 October 2023SaturdayAshwin Navpad Oli
Begins 28 October Su 2023SaturdayAshwin Navpad Oli Purna
31 October 2023TuesdayRohini Vrat

November 2023 Jainism Festival

12 November 2023SundayLakshmi Puja
14 November 2023TuesdayGujarati New Year
18 November 2023SaturdayPanchami
19 November 2023SundayKartik Ashtanhika Vidhan Begin
26 November 2023SundayKartik Chaumasi Chaudas
27 November 2023MondayKartik Ashtanhika Vidhan Purna
27 November 2023MondayKartik Rath Yatra
28 November 2023TuesdayRohini Vrat

December 2023 Jain Religion Festival

25 December 2023MondayRohini Vrat

Jain Calendar 2023

Jain Calendar 2023 Like Shaka Calendar There is only one lunar calendar. The month is based on the position of the Moon with respect to the Earth and is adjusted by adding an additional month every three years, to bring the month in phase with the seasons to coincide with the Sun. This is known as day or tithi, indicates the moon phase and month indicates the approximate season of the solar year. A regular or normal year in the lunisolar calendar has 12 months and a leap year has 13 months. A regular or normal year has 353, 354 or 355 days. With this, a leap year has 383, 384 or 385 days.

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In the Jain calendar, there are months of Kartak, Magasar, Posh, Maha, Phangan, Chaitra, Vaishakh, Jetha, Ashadha, Shravan, Bhadarvo, Aso. Although Hindi month names are used as standard in Jain calendar, which are Chaitra, Baisakhi, Jyeshtha, Ashadha, Shravan, Bhadrapada, Ashwin, Kartik, Margashirsha, Paush, Magha and Falgun. According to the Jain calendar, the average number of days in a month is 30. But the average number of days in a lunisolar year is 354, not 360, because the Moon takes about 29.5 days to complete one revolution. So a date ends in a period of about two months. The Hebrew, Hindu lunar, Buddhist and Tibetan calendars are all based on the lunar-solar.

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Lunar Calendar

Several calendars have been used together in India from the past to the present, depending on the purpose involved. The solar month and civil day are relevant to daily life. In modern Indian languages of North India, such as Hindi and Gujarati, the English names of the 12 months are in widespread use today. But in matters of religious practice the only relevant calendar is the lunar calendar. The basic components of the lunar calendar are lunar months, lunar fortnights and lunar days. Thus among Jains and Hindus the dates of religious festivals or any other religious occasions are expressed on the basis of the third day of the Shukla Paksha of the month.

As per tradition the lunar calendars listing all the Jain festivals of the year are published as booklets or are available in web form. They are the so-called Jain Panchang. In his tables he also gives similar dates in the modern Western system, which are increasingly used in contemporary Jain daily life.

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Important Festivals of Jainism 2023

  • Rohini Vrat - The first festival that comes in the list of Jain Festivals 2023 is Rohini Vrat. Quite popular among the followers of Jainism is the fast, which occurs at regular intervals during Rohini Nakshatra.
  • Meru Trayodashi - Meru Trayodashi is the second most popular festival to be registered after Rohini Vrat. This festival is celebrated in the memory of the famous Jain monk/saint, Rishabhdev. He attained salvation on this day.
  • Falgun Ashtanhika Shuru - This festival comes thrice a year. This festival is celebrated for eight days in the months of Kartik, Falgun and Ashadha. This is a very old festival. Its beginning is very important.
  • Falgun Chaumasi Chaudas - This is an important festival in the list of Jain Calendar 2023, as it is during this festival that Jainsim, the principal ideal of non-violence, manifests.
  • Falgun Ashtanhika ends - Just as the beginning of Falgun Ashtanhika is important for Jains, in the same way the end of Falgun Ashtanhika is also important.
  • Varshitap Aarambh - Another festival included in the list of Jain Calendar 2023 is Varshitap, which begins on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha of Chaitra month.
  • Chaitra Navpad Oli Shuru - Mentioned in the list of Jain festivals 2022, this festival comes twice a year and lasts for nine days. According to the Jain calendar, Chaitra and Ashwin are the two months during which this festival falls.
  • Mahavir Swami Jayanti - This festival does not need any special introduction. Everyone is aware that this is the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism and culture.
  • Varshitap Parana - in this list of Jain Calendar Varshitap Parana , which begins during the month of Chaitra and ends with the Parana of Akshaya Tritiya.
  • Mahavir Swami Kewalgyan - This festival is a special festival of Mahavir Swami Kewalgyan Jain Calendar 2022. According to beliefs, on this day Mahavira attained salvation or supreme knowledge.
  • Paryushan Parvarambha - This is the day when all the people of Jainism and culture decide to dedicate their life for salvation, which then becomes the aim of their life.
  • Samvatsari festival - Samvatsari festival is the last day of Paryushan. It is celebrated with great fervor.
  • Navpad Oli - The beginning and end of this festival is considered to be a very important component of the 2023 Jain calendar.
  • Lakshmi Puja - Everyone knows Lakshmi Puja. This puja is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi for the betterment and prosperity of the house.
  • Gujarati New Year - Gujarati New Year is a major entry in the list of Jain festivals 2023.
  • Kartika Rath Yatra - Kartika Rath Yatra is a very important festival of Jainism, which is celebrated in the month of Kartika.
