From Romeo to Juliet to the ancient story of Eros and Psyche, it’s no coincidence that people for centuries have been obsessed with finding their ‘other half.’ Meeting your twin flame is part of the enlightenment process. And if and when the time comes, your life will be forever changed.

Most people do so blindly. But knowing the ins and outs can make the process a heck of a lot smoother. And with more and more people on such a journey, this piece is more than needed.

Still, it’s the most difficult one I’ve ever written. For weeks I worked on the intro. I would type some, delete, think some more, and repeat.

This serious bout of ‘writer’s block’ had nothing to do with a lack of passion for the topic (so fascinating,) but everything to do with the huge amount of misinformation out there surrounding twin flames. 

I wanted to make sure that this guide would be accurate and allow you to truly understand the twin flame phenomenon. The task intimidated me a little, I guess.

Also, it didn’t feel right to write about it. Although I’ve been passionately in love and met lots of people, I would consider kindred souls; I really couldn’t relate to what it felt like to meet a ‘twin flame.’

Everything I’ve heard and read about the experience, I couldn’t relate to. And then it happened. Randomly, on a Sunday morning, I met my twin flame. And boy, what a ride it has been!

What is a Twin Flame?

There are many theories on twin flames, but the general consensus is that they are one soul that was split into two separate bodies when incarnating on earth. In essence, the soul is shared. The Yin is split from the Yang. The feminine separated from the masculine.

This concept might seem “New Age” but it was described by Plato over 2,500 years ago and many others before this time. Our soul parts, always desiring completion, find their way back to each other time and time again.

Because self-love is the highest form of love, these situations are almost always romantic. However, there are exceptions to every rule.

Twin flame connections are almost always intense, though–and life-altering. It’s a spiritual two-way street of sorts. A highway that helps people grow in ways they never could otherwise.

Now, if you’re seeing someone, how do you know if he or she has the potential to be your Twin Flame?

Even if it’s not serious, do you notice any of the Twin Flame signs that he or she might be it? Would you say that you’re soulmates already? Or is it too early to know?

To help you explore this, I’ve created a Twin Flame test below with questions to see where you stand in your current situation.

For me, I met my twin soul at a random party I’m not going to say I instantly ‘knew,’ but there was a definite connection that over the following days grew in leaps and bounds.

He just seemed to know me, and me, him. But our connection is much more than just an emotional one–we began to help each other grow right away.

He is my mirror, and what is in me (good, bad, and ugly) I can see it reflected in him. As soon as I allowed myself to recognize the situation for what it was, I fought with my ego for a day or two, things just seemed to fall into place and the journey began.

Twin Flame vs. Soulmate

And this is one of the key differences between a twin flame and a soulmate. It’s important to recognize: a twin flame is not the same thing as a soulmate. I repeat a twin flame isn’t the same thing as a soulmate.

A soulmate might have the same type of energy as you. You’ll ‘vibe together,’ and you may even feel like you belong together. But they’ll never have existed in unison with you.

Twin flames share an identical energetic frequency. Like a ‘reboot’ for outdated computer software, twin flames require us to change our outdated ways of thinking and being.

They highlight our insecurities and fears, helping us change. But unlike soulmates, they usually don’t leave us for good after the lesson.

Still not sure which is which? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are they a family member, friend, or teacher? Soulmate connections don’t have to be romantic. In fact, most of the time, they aren’t! Twin flames, on the other hand, usually represent true love. 
  • Do they have strengths/flaws that are different from your own? If yes, it’s probably a soulmate connection. Twin flames, on the other hand, are a mirrored match. You’ll have similar strengths and struggles
  • Is it love or trust? Soulmate connections usually manifest as unconditional love (platonic or otherwise), but they don’t always have a deep sense of trust and synchronicity that appears when you find your twin flame. 
  • Have you separated from this person and don’t see yourself reuniting? If yes, it’s probably a soulmate connection. Separation often occurs after soulmates learn their needed ‘lessons. Twin flames usually continue through life. 

Twin Flame Signs

Truthfully, with this type of connection, when you know, you know. However, there are twin flame signs and signals you can be on the watch for.

These same indications can serve as reassurance that the journey you are embarking on is one with your other half.

1. It feels like magic

One of my favorite books/movies, the Notebook, is a modern-day example of a twin flame relationship. 

From the first meeting, the relationship between Noah and Allie seems to be guided by fate. Not only do they fall deeply in love, but they also have significant challenges and are influenced by outside forces.

Although they separate for many years, the two are brought back together by divine intervention and remain together until the day they pass on (together.) 

Does your connection feel magical? Is it like something from a movie? If it’s all-consuming, mystical, and borderline obsessive, then it’s probably a twin soul connection at work. 

2. You’ve both gone through early life challenges

Twin flames seem to like a challenge. In fact, most choose to be born into families with lineages as turmoil. This might seem a bit crazy. But keep in mind that it is poverty, addiction, loss, suffering, and other difficult circumstances that often lead to growth and awakening!

3. Twin Flames have lots of coincidences

Do you share the same birthday? Love the same strange tv shows? Are you both drawn to a particular place or number? Twin flames usually have lots of things in common.

These coincidences, when added up, are usually a bit eerie. This could be anything really like similarities in astrology charts or deaths of loved ones. Just know that nothing is really by chance but more likely, connected to fate. 

4. There’s mirroring and triggering

One super common misconception of twin flame relationships is the idea that the journey will be all sunshine and roses. We might wish this was the case. But if it were, no growth would happen, and the connection would be pointless.

Since both partners usually share core wound issues (i.e., feelings of unworthiness), related scenarios will play out over and over again until they are healed. Constantly being shown difficult ‘truths’ about ourselves can be quite challenging.

Our responses might look like ‘toxic’ or ‘codependent’ behavior, but when addressed correctly, it can lead to spiritual ascension. 

5. Twin Flames grow and heal

Which is the ultimate goal. What happens next is one of the best parts about having a twin flame. You’ll feel a stronger pull toward living your life’s purpose while also diving in deep into resolving any remaining trauma.

You may feel called to be of service to others and find that you are able to walk in gratitude, forgiveness, and acceptance. And best of all,  you’ll enter a new relationship from a spiritually awake, unconditionally loving state of mind.  

The 8 Twin Flame Stages

Now that we know the twin flames signs, let’s talk about the different twin flame stages.

Stage One: Longing for Your Other Half

I have a friend who, for years, longed to find ‘the one.’ Beautiful, educated, and kind-hearted, she’d go from man to man, never quite finding the right fit. It was painful for me to watch as every relationship seemed to cause her more pain than the last. 

A therapist might say it was co-dependency or some self-worth issue at play, and at one time, I would have agreed. But one day, she met a guy who checked every box.

I did a tarot reading for her, and it was clear that they were destined to be together. She had met her twin flame. Their whirlwind romance grew into a lasting marriage that helped her work through her issues. The longing was over.

If you too long for your other half, understand that it’s normal. A twin soul will always wish to be connected to its missing piece.

We just have to make sure that we are making healthy decisions during the ‘meantime.’ A huge part of stage one is doing ‘the work’ so you will be prepared for their arrival.

Stage Two: Meeting Your Other Half

Stage two is exactly what it sounds like. You meet your twin. This stage is also called ‘the awakening.’ It may be a brief contact or it could be love at first sight. Either way, this meeting is likely to leave you feeling like you’ve known each other forever.

It’s not uncommon for someone to resist during this early meeting phase. But you’ll definitely come back together at a later time if this is the case. 

Stage Three: Falling Dangerously In Love

Cue Beyonce. Even if you try not to fall for your twin soul, resistance is futile. I know life isn’t a fairytale, but stage three is what chick flicks are made of.

Intense, beautiful, and beyond anything you’ve ever experienced in the past. You’ll fall and fall hard, but no worries, it’s all for your greater good. 

Stage Four: The Honeymoon Stage

In the beginning, things will be amazing. Walking on a natural high, as if you are ten feet tall. You’ll feel like you’re living in dreamland.

All relationships have some kind of honeymoon period, but a twin flame one will be like love on steroids.

Upon energetic and soul recognition, you’ll begin to plan a future together, feel complete, and be totally content. This ‘bubble love’ happens because you’re vibing high, and your chakras are flowing.

Synchronicities are high and things can even seem overwhelming at times. So much so, that it’s not uncommon for one partner to “run.” We’ll talk more about this in stage six.

It’s important to know that some twin flame relationships don’t actually have this phase. Especially those that aren’t romantic. If this is the case, you’ll still have a series of confusing events that you can’t make sense of and a feeling that takes your breath away. 

Stage Five: The Turbulence Stage

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how quickly things can tilt and fall. After the euphoria, there is usually a period of crisis.

Described as the ‘turbulence’ phase, personal issues and flaws rear their ugly heads. It can be tempting to try and avoid this. After all, we want the honeymoon period to last forever.

 But this is also the stage that leads to healing. So, although the anxiety and worries might be unpleasant, it’s all part of the process. The same is true for the intense fights and feelings that say you should run away or ‘throw in the towel.’

Just keep in mind that abuse is never a part of the twin flame process and you should seek help and walk away if the violence of any kind is present.

Stage Six: The Run/Chase Dynamic

If your relationship is otherwise healthy, the turbulence stage will still usher in something known as the ‘run/chase’ dynamic.

Because the feelings that come along with a twin flame connection are so intense, the need to disconnect or ‘run’ is totally normal. This pulling away tends to cause the other half to chase the connection. Examples of running:

  • Using alcohol or drugs to avoid the connection
  • Turning to other women/men to avoid the connection
  • Avoiding or ignoring each other to avoid the connection
  • Physically leaving the relationship to avoid the connection

This tug of war can be painful, especially for the one who is doing the chasing. Emotional chaos follows as we beg, borrow, and steal just to keep the connection.

But again, it’s a needed part that stops once both souls are fully healed. This is why you have to keep on working on you even when you’re with your other. 

Stage Seven: Yielding

After you ‘do the work,’ yielding happens. You and your twin will accept that you are meant to be together, two souls that are truly one. This leads to the reunion stage.

But honestly, it can take a long time. It doesn’t happen overnight, especially if you have lots of inner trauma to work through. 

Stage Eight: Reunion

But once all the kinks are worked out, you’ll be linked for life. This isn’t to say that things will return to the honeymoon phase. That isn’t realistic. But you will enter a deep, loving connection that will allow you to achieve your life’s purpose and finally feel complete. 

Twin Flame Separation: What to Do

One question I get asked about a lot is what to do if you’re separated from your twin flame and the reunion doesn’t seem like it will ever happen. 

The first thing I suggest is not to focus on reality. It’s so easy to fall into a negative narrative, but that will only attract more separation. Instead, you need to use your own intuition, connection with self, and the law of attraction in your favor. After all, your missing person is a part of you.

You are NOT meant to be apart and you are not to blame for the separation. By aligning with your Higher Self, you’ll be able to find the solution to any internal issue that’s stopping your connection from manifesting. You must get rid of negative energetic baggage. 

You can accomplish this through meditation, reciting positive affirmations, taking part in shadow work, and other empowering spiritual practices. 

Twin Flame Test

Feel like you need help to determine if you’ve met your twin flame? Here are some questions to see where you stand.

Did you feel an unexplainable draw or deeply connected right after meeting this person?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Does this person help you grow emotionally and spiritually?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Do you feel as if you have always known this person?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Can you be completely honest and authentic with them?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Are you both being drawn toward a higher purpose in life?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Have you had intense fights because of ‘triggers’ that you both share?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Do you have complementary strengths and weaknesses that make you feel as if they are the yin to your yang?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Can you easily read each other’s thoughts and energy?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Have you experienced a ‘honeymoon’ phase that represented your dream relationship?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Does this person add value to your life and make you a better person?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Is there a runner and a chaser in your relationship?
– If yes, this is an indication you’ve met your twin flame.
– If no, it might be a soulmate connection instead.

Have you met your Twin Flame?

I hope that by this point, you’ve realized that you’re one of the ‘lucky ones’ who has met your twin flame. There is something special about knowing what we have that can help us live in a deeper state of gratitude and appreciation.

It’s important to keep in mind that the best way to help your twin and to connect on a deeper level is to focus on self-healing. This can be a magical journey for you if you make a conscious choice to live in the moment. 

If you need help with this process or want to share something you’ve learned along your journey, I’d love to connect.  
